7/25/2021 Miles Guo‘s GETTR:The extremely tragic flood in Henan is in fact man-made, with the CCP discharging the reservoirs in advance without any warning. Fellow fighters inside China shall get prepared to survive in the upcoming disasters and the second round of virus released by the CCP
7/25/2021 文贵盖特:河南惨绝人寰的洪灾就是人祸,中共竟在毫无警报的情况下提前泄洪;国内战友们要做好准备,以在即将到来的灾难和中共第二轮放毒中活下来!
7/25/2021 文贵盖特:河南惨绝人寰的洪灾就是人祸,中共竟在毫无警报的情况下提前泄洪;国内战友们要做好准备,以在即将到来的灾难和中共第二轮放毒中活下来!