7/24/2021 Miles Guo: CCP is good at arresting people, not rescuing them! The evil nature of Xi Jinping, Wang Qishan and the CCP is that they treat Lao Baixing as if they are nothing. Sadly, most of the Chinese people won’t recognize the truth until they’re facing disaster or difficult situations
7/24/2021 文贵直播:中共抓人的本事是救人的亿万倍!习、王和中共的邪恶本质就是视老百姓为草芥,悲哀的是大部分老百姓可能直到大灾大难临头才会认清这个事实
7/24/2021 文贵直播:中共抓人的本事是救人的亿万倍!习、王和中共的邪恶本质就是视老百姓为草芥,悲哀的是大部分老百姓可能直到大灾大难临头才会认清这个事实