11/20/2021 [3rd Anniversary of 1120] Steve Bannon: FayFay's care for her mother who had contracted the CCP virus showed the love of the new Chinese for their families, while the fellow fighters taking care of my family infected by the virus showed the spirit of the New Federal State of China; the power of the new Chinese is their respect for their parents, ancestors, and families, and such a power can help us destroy the CCP more quickly
#皮特纳瓦罗 #史蒂文班农 #杰森米勒 #GETTR #盖特 #孙力军 #王立科 #孟建柱 #王岐山 #江志成 #马云 #吴征 #杨澜 #马明哲 #傅政华 #刘彦平 #UBS #AMAC #屠呦呦 #青蒿素 #TuYouyou #杨洁篪 #王毅 #盘古 #玉琮 #玉钺 #玉璧 #王健林 #许家印 #潘石屹 #蔡崇信 #洗钱 #川普 #太平联盟 #六中全会 #习近平 #江泽民 #二十大 #台湾 #TAIWAN #TMTG #DWAC #BrunoWu #SamuelNunberg #PatrickOrlando #RichardFrankel #太平联盟 #PAG #王健 #川普总统 #蓬佩奥 #格芯 #AMD #HCoinTotheMoon #真诚 #善待一切 #唯真不破 #分辨善恶 #献奉 #喜马拉雅币 #喜币 #张高丽 #彭帅 #灭共 #喜联储 #消灭共产党 #郝海东 #爆料 #郭晶晶 #六中全会 #中共病毒##秦刚 #十个坚持 #2022冬奥会 #1120 #1120三周年纪念
[Albums by Miles Guo]
Dance 7 (Remix) - Single (2021)
The Hero - Single (2021)
Hero (Instrumental) - Single (2021)
Drinking Down The CCP - Single (2020)
Fight for Hong Kong - Single (2020)
Dear Mamma, I Am Ending the CCP - Single (2020)
Take Down the CCP - Single (2020)
11/20/2021 [3rd Anniversary of 1120] Steve Bannon: FayFay's care for her mother who had contracted the CCP virus showed the love of the new Chinese for their families, while the fellow fighters taking care of my family infected by the virus showed the spirit of the New Federal State of China; the power of the new Chinese is their respect for their parents, ancestors, and families, and such a power can help us destroy the CCP more quickly
#皮特纳瓦罗 #史蒂文班农 #杰森米勒 #GETTR #盖特 #孙力军 #王立科 #孟建柱 #王岐山 #江志成 #马云 #吴征 #杨澜 #马明哲 #傅政华 #刘彦平 #UBS #AMAC #屠呦呦 #青蒿素 #TuYouyou #杨洁篪 #王毅 #盘古 #玉琮 #玉钺 #玉璧 #王健林 #许家印 #潘石屹 #蔡崇信 #洗钱 #川普 #太平联盟 #六中全会 #习近平 #江泽民 #二十大 #台湾 #TAIWAN #TMTG #DWAC #BrunoWu #SamuelNunberg #PatrickOrlando #RichardFrankel #太平联盟 #PAG #王健 #川普总统 #蓬佩奥 #格芯 #AMD #HCoinTotheMoon #真诚 #善待一切 #唯真不破 #分辨善恶 #献奉 #喜马拉雅币 #喜币 #张高丽 #彭帅 #灭共 #喜联储 #消灭共产党 #郝海东 #爆料 #郭晶晶 #六中全会 #中共病毒##秦刚 #十个坚持 #2022冬奥会 #1120 #1120三周年纪念
[Albums by Miles Guo]
Dance 7 (Remix) - Single (2021)
The Hero - Single (2021)
Hero (Instrumental) - Single (2021)
Drinking Down The CCP - Single (2020)
Fight for Hong Kong - Single (2020)
Dear Mamma, I Am Ending the CCP - Single (2020)
Take Down the CCP - Single (2020)