The same clothes witnesses the situation flip of the Whistleblowers’ Movement from 2018 to 2021
4/7/2021 郭文贵:上次穿这件衣服的时候,我们新中国联邦还没有诞生,爆料革命的所处的环境和形势和今天大不相同,我们如何从这些变化和过去的时光里.得到和学到我们的经验……午餐后和战友们乱聊,7哥第二次穿这件衣服的感受!
4/7/2021 Miles Guo: When I wore this top last time, our New Federal State of China had not yet been founded. The environment and situation for our Whistleblowers’ Movement was very different from today. What can we learn from these changes and the past experience...? Chat with our fellow fighters after lunch on my feelings of wear this top again!
4/7/2021 郭文贵:上次穿这件衣服的时候,我们新中国联邦还没有诞生,爆料革命的所处的环境和形势和今天大不相同,我们如何从这些变化和过去的时光里.得到和学到我们的经验……午餐后和战友们乱聊,7哥第二次穿这件衣服的感受!
4/7/2021 Miles Guo: When I wore this top last time, our New Federal State of China had not yet been founded. The environment and situation for our Whistleblowers’ Movement was very different from today. What can we learn from these changes and the past experience...? Chat with our fellow fighters after lunch on my feelings of wear this top again!