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A pro-Xi Japanese media outlet admits it: Xi Jinping has been downgraded and stripped of power by the military! The PLA Daily has published consecutive articles without mentioning him at all. Solid evidence: Wang Yi didn’t dare to say, “Behave yourself.” Rubio exposed it in public! Breaking news: Another plane has crashed in the U.S.
陈破空:旅美作家、政论家、八九民运人士。出生于四川省绵阳市三台县。就读湖南大学、同济大学。美国哥伦比亚大学公共管理硕士。曾执教中山大学。代表作品:《中南海厚黑学》、《假如中美开战》、《川普对决习近平》、 《全世界都不了解中国人》、《关于中国的一百个常识》 …
#军权 #王毅 #鲁比奥
A pro-Xi Japanese media outlet admits it: Xi Jinping has been downgraded and stripped of power by the military! The PLA Daily has published consecutive articles without mentioning him at all. Solid evidence: Wang Yi didn’t dare to say, “Behave yourself.” Rubio exposed it in public! Breaking news: Another plane has crashed in the U.S.
陈破空:旅美作家、政论家、八九民运人士。出生于四川省绵阳市三台县。就读湖南大学、同济大学。美国哥伦比亚大学公共管理硕士。曾执教中山大学。代表作品:《中南海厚黑学》、《假如中美开战》、《川普对决习近平》、 《全世界都不了解中国人》、《关于中国的一百个常识》 …
#军权 #王毅 #鲁比奥